Saturday, December 31, 2005

New Years Eve

Well its going to be a quite one this year.

That's Ok though, its not that much fun out with all the hoards anyway. Been there, hated that. Plus I just don't think I could ever top the fun Chris and I used to have at the hand in hand dance parties we used to go to when we where in Sydney and took drugs (not that you need to take drugs to have fun kiddies)... so why be disappointed I say.

We have a good life here and we have little animals that need our love and attention. I've got a few good DVD's and some beer in the fridge and my boy friend who will always be hot no matter where we are. At least I know I'll get a new years kiss and probably laid too :)

So happy new years all, have a good one. This is a photo of Chrisopher and I in our city apartment just about to go off to a dance party at fox studios in Sydney 2002.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Fence Building

Yep even a ex-city gay boys can build fences, in fact we are positively butch now-a-days.

This fence replaced the old wire one and doubled the size of our veggie garden and our little orchard. The sheep had started to push one old one down, they do love fruit trees.... yum.

We still have a bit to go yet but its looking good so far.

Thursday, December 29, 2005


Well its finally warm in our little mountain village. and I'm a very happy camper. Shorts, no shirt, sandal's, warm nights, its great.

Have you every noticed how people love to talk about the weather (look I'm even doing it) of course the middle aged and elderly are complaining and can't help but ask you "is it hot enough for you" or "oh its going to be a hot one" or " oh its just so humid, couldn't sleep it was so hot".... well I LOVE IT. Its the cold I hate, and by the way its not really that hot here, max of about 32 degrees c, and we only get a couple of days that warm, down the mountain in Penrith its like 43 - that's a bit warm I must admit. Anyway if one more person mentions how hot it is, I think I'll just scream or maybe just burst into flames...

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Photo of the day

ADSL been down, lightening stuck us in the middle of the night and fried the modem... Scarred the fu8k out of me.... anyway brought a new modem today and its all good again. This is my favorite photo I took this week.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Pottery Studio

Have not blogged for about 2 weeks now... too much bad stuff happening in the world and race riots in Sydney - I though writing about it would only get me more upset and pissed off then I already am about the whole state of affairs. What are we doing people... for fu*k sake get over it and get along... Violence achieves NOTHING, never has never will. I feel a great sadness wash over me when ever I turn on the news now-a-days... might have to stop watching.
Anyway enough of that... up here on our mountain top everything seems calm and we are very blessed to have a safe place live. Christopher and I have been very busy doing up the pottery studio in our back yard. We have painted it yellow and blue, very beachy and happy. Put in a work space for the pottery wheel and lots of shelving + fixed the roof and connected the power. I'm a very happy camper, it looks really great - thanks Chris for helping me. Its a really nice space and is demanding me to use it - I'm feeling very creative.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Universal pain

It is never ok to take another life, never.
Each and every one of us is a product of the society that we live in. We must take responsibility for every soul.

24-year-old Nguyen Tuong Van from Melbourne will be put to death by hanging tomorrow at sunrise for drug trafficking.

We'll probably still be asleep, warm in our beds - safe.

How do we know he's not capable of becoming a better person, how do we know that he's not already a better person than you and me. We all make mistakes, especially when we are young.

Is he not a product of our own culture and if so then surly we all stand responsible. Taking Nguyen Tuong Van's life will not fix the drug problem. Killing has never fixed anything, it only brings more pain.

We need to find the root of our problems. Why are people driven to drugs to crime to hate. I belief its a universal pain. Something that's deep inside us all, It seems that man is the only animal that does not know his place in this universe. We have become lost.

While in my garden I was thinking about the times I have taken recreational drugs. At first I thought - well I just did it because it was fun and as a young city guy - especially a gay one - its almost a right of passage - massive dance parties, sex and ecstasy. I had some great times.

But was I doing it just for fun? When you take drugs like that at a dance party, everybody's your brother and sister, you feel loved, you feel joy... the universal pain is masked by the drug. And that's it, the pain is temporarily gone - everyone feels free of it. And that's why the come down is so bad and that why it can be additive.

We spend our whole lives hiding from the pain deep inside us all. Masking it with drinking, with drugs, with busy-ness. No body wants to really look at it - not even me.

unfortunately I have no answers today. But I do know this, we are all connected and the pain won't go away until we stop and listen to our hearts, let go of our fears, our distrust our hate.

I am your brother, I'm not perfect, but I love you because we are all one.

Nguyen Tuong Van is our brother, his life is yours and its mine and tomorrow we'll have to try harder to mask that pain deep inside us all.

Blessed be.


The Sun finally shines again and my mood has lifted with the dark sky's and all is good again on the Alex show. I was going fu#king stir crazy indoors... Oh and Gus (the dog) is much happier too... outside laying the sunshine :)
Below is my photo of the day of our Broad Beans and Lupins in flower.